Monday, August 30, 2010

Technology Integration Article Summary

I recently read an article about VoiceThread by Bill Ferriter. I chose this article because it is all about VoiceThread—a Web 2.0 tool that we will all be using for one of our projects this semester. The author, Bill Ferriter, does an excellent job of describing VoiceThread, promoting it, giving examples, giving instructions on the basics, and follows up with some extra tips. Ferriter points out three main advantages of using VoiceThread: 1) it’s asynchronous 2) it is engaging and 3) it is easy to use. This article should be of particular interest to those that a new to or unfamiliar with this particular tool. You can locate and read the article here:

1 comment:

  1. Kristen -- thanks for sharing this article. This will be helpful to your peers once we move to the Voice Thread project. * Dr. B
