Monday, September 13, 2010

PBL & Technology

What stands out so far about my findings on PBL? I haven’t done much reading or research on PBL prior to our studies in this class. I think I am just surprised at how incredibly appropriate 21st-century tools are for this type of learning. An important part of PBL is the self-analysis and reflection. This blog is a perfect example of how easily technology can be used for that part of problem based learning. It is a written record of progress made and concepts that have been comprehended. There are so many tools available that can help students analyze, evaluate, and create based on their learning objectives. The neat thing is—there is flexibility. While one student or group may choose to approach their project using Google Docs, another student or group might choose to go with Glogster. It allows for choice and personalization while still allowing the objectives to be met. In my opinion one of the best things about both PBL and 21st-century tools is that I believe students find them highly motivating—combine them and watch what occurs!

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