Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Reflecting on my Blogging Experience

So far, I’ve found our blogging assignment to be very informative and motivating. I had to create a blog for another class before, but we didn’t do much with it. Reviewing everyone’s blogs has me excited about creativity and collaboration. I see so much potential for the use of a blog with both teachers and students. I love that everyone has their own style and way of doing things. No two blogs have been alike. I think more than anything I am now viewing blogs as an excellent way to document learning and growth. It is such an easy way for students/teachers to reflect on their work, thoughts, and opinions. I was wondering how many of you have used blogs in your classroom. In my school system, we are not allowed to use them. I was trying to research some information about why students should blog but the first four sites I clicked on were blocked due to our filter. Go figure!! I did find an interesting site with 100 reasons you should use blogs. It is worth checking out. My cousin, Tara Seale, is an English teacher in Arkansas and is a prime example of what true technology integration can look like in the classroom. She does blogs, nings, podcasts, videos—you name it, she’s probably tried it! I am completely jealous of the freedom her school system gives her to be creative and incorporate technology. I’d love it if you checked out one of her blogs:

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