Monday, November 29, 2010

Final Blog Post

As I look back over all that I have accomplished over this course, I am really amazed. I learned so much about project-based learning as well as technology integration. I really have come to realize the educational value of a blog and also fell in love with Voice Thread. The discussions in this course were very thought provoking and have influenced some of my thoughts and future ideas about what I should be doing in my classroom. In addition, the peer reviews allowed me to see many different projects using MovieMaker, VoiceThread, Blogger, and Comic Life. The reviews opened my eyes to the different possibilities that these tools have to offer. Of course, I am very much for technology integration, but now I can see how PBL and technology integration go hand in hand. I look forward to implementing some PBL assignments in my computer elective class and also plan to use academic material for their content. As with all of my classes through the University of West Georgia so far, I have learned and gained so much from being enrolled in this program.

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