Saturday, November 20, 2010

PBL School Wide Project Part 2

Well, we are finally winding down our PBL school wide group project. It has been quite challenging but I've been lucky to have such great group members. I think that Google Docs worked well for us, but I have to say a face to face meeting with all 5 of us at some point might've helped...or perhaps a work session one day. I know that may defeat the purpose of an online class, but I just think it might've made things more cohesive. Kristin L. was in charge of our website and it looks AMAZING! I am really impressed and proud of our final product. I am interested in seeing what other groups did because I think we all might've had a different take on what was expected. As the researcher, I definitely learned a lot more about project based learning and its benefits in the classroom. I also located many cool ways to use Voice Thread and Comic Life in the classroom. Even though I probably won't implement something like this at my school, I will use some of these things in my classroom and intend to work with the academic teachers at my school to create technology related projects. I am very excited about this! Overall, this was a good experience and it was great how everyone fell into their own role/part in our group.

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