Wednesday, November 17, 2010

PBL School Wide Project

Recently, I have been working with 4 other classmates on a project that introduces project based learning with technology integration to an elementary school. At first, we were all a little bit confused, but once the roles were decided upon we hit the ground running. Each person in our group played an important role. My role was to provide some research about PBL and examples of how Comic Life and Voice Thread can be integrated in the classroom. We all collaborated using Google Docs. I really like Google Docs, but after a while it took a long time for the document to download so that I could add something else. Overall, it has been a good experience working with my group. We are putting the finishing touches on our project now, and then we will prepare for our face-to-face presentation. I am glad that I am a part of a group that was so willing to get started and help each other as well.

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